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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    28 September 2023

Monobot - Deep into the dangerous and mystical world of the Monobot, a Mono-small robot whose fate is intertwined with secrets and riddles is boldly sent. He wakes up in this hostile world, devoid of answers, but filled with determination to unravel all the secrets that hide in its depths. You have to take control of this little hero and go on a solo journey full of dangers and unexpected challenges. The world of the Monobot is saturated with the laws of physics, and only a reasonable use of these laws will help you overcome many obstacles that lie in your way. 

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Requirements to v1.31

  • OS version: Android 10+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 446 Mb

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v1.31  Original

28.09.2023 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 8

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