MoneyWise Pro

MoneyWise Pro
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    05 August 2013

MoneyWise Pro – a great app for Android from the developer Handy North, for home accounting and control of funds. A wide range of capabilities and features of MoneyWise Pro will help you to properly plan and allocate your personal finances.


Ad free
Convenient and easy to use
Multiple accounts
Multiple budgets
Income and expenses
Password protection
Recurring transactions
Transfer between accounts
Schedule of costs for a long time
Graph expenses by category
The cost of tags
Filter by categories and tags
Viewing day / week / month / year
Monitor account balances
Backup to SD card
Export as CSV for Excel import
Export to HTML
Export a backup of all data as e-mail or Dropbox
Multiple currencies
Switching currency while traveling
All transactions as cleared the Bank
Create and rename tags
Create and rename categories
Change start date of budget months
Highly configurable (date format, currency, text size)
You can import data stored in a free "MoneyWise" and "" applications.

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v4.4.0 buil  Original

5.08.2013 - Changes not specified.

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