Translation: Milthm

English, Russian
Update date
12 January 2024
Milthm - This music game offers a lot of amazing and high-quality musical compositions that will definitely satisfy any music lover. From classical to pop music - everyone will find something for themselves.
Game features:
- Over 100 unique levels with increasing difficulty.
- The ability to choose different musical themes for the game.
- The "Wonderful Trials" feature, which allows you to automatically restart the level when you make a mistake.
- The "Fade" modifier, making the notes less visible as you approach.
- The "Rain" mode, creating chaos on the screen.
- Bright and attractive graphic design.
- Infinite fun for beginners and professionals in rhythm games.
- A huge selection of musical compositions to suit all tastes.
App rating
Editors rating
Rating of 7 users
Requirements to v1.3.3
- OS version: Android 6.0+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 289 Mb
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v1.3.3 Original
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