Microsoft Whiteboard

Update date
13 March 2021
Microsoft Whiteboard enables you to work in team, communicate and vzaimodeystvovat in the cloud, and keep in a safe place in your credentials, and have a reliable support for your account. On the Board you can create the joint creative ideas, work in a team and compare the results. Using touch input, you can smoothly and clearly articulate their thoughts and to share with all participants of the working group. comment on, edit, add text, print from any type of device, take notes, and notes. intuitive design ability to send stickers, stickers, draw, move objects - all this is neoprime advantage of the canvas. To work need a corporate account.
App rating
Editors rating
Rating of 2 users
Requirements to v1.301.0.210310
- OS version: Android 6.0+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 45 Mb
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v1.301.0.210310 Original
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