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Lifeline Rusty Virtuality

Lifeline Rusty Virtuality
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    12 January 2017

Lifeline Rusty Virtuality - the original adventure game with horizontal scrolling in which the storyline develops around the person trapped in an alternate reality. According to the authors initially our hero frankly got desperate and just didn't know what to do. However, not lowered his hands and continued to explore the world which turned out to be. One day he meets an old man who reveals to him the secret that the output of the virtual world is and can find it, but all will not be easy.
Your task is to help the protagonist to find a way back, while of course also have to solve little puzzles and mysteries so you will enjoy an unforgettable adventure in a completely unfamiliar world.

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v0.1.0  Original

12.01.2017 - Changes not specified.

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