Knock-Knock Game

Knock-Knock Game
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    03 December 2022

Tuk-Tuk-Tuk - 3 generations of guests stayed to live on a long-term basis in the hut, but after a certain amount of time, with total silence, strange sounds began to be heard outside the walls, and mysterious vibrations can be seen on the walls. Your most important mission is to save your own life at night, protecting the hut from scary creatures and preventing the destruction of the Tenant's mind. Uninvited guests can attack you at any time, so you must fix the light as soon as possible, find the hidden key and get out.

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Requirements to v1.40

  • OS version: iOS 8.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 262 Мб

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v1.40   Original

3.12.2022 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 2

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