King of Opera - Multiplayer Party Game!

Update date
21 June 2016
King of Opera - Multiplayer Party Game! in this game you will sing on the Opera stage, but so easy to create the perfect idyll of the Opera you have just will not work, as other songbird will always disturb you. The stage is small and those wishing to speak to the audience abound. You just need to throw their rivals off the stage and continue alone continue to sing your praises. But as it turns out this is problematic. Rivals don't want to just chip in, and what is more, such a fate may await you. That atk always be on the alert. You need time to press the button of the same color as your character. The game has a multiplayer mode up to 4 players.
App rating
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Rating of 3 users
Requirements to v1.16.36
- OS version: iOS 7.0+
- Requires free space: 123.76 Mb
- Compatibility: iphone, ipad, ipod touch
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v1.16.36 Original
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