K-Pop Academy

K-Pop Academy
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    22 September 2023

K-Pop Academy - Here is a new band, the personification of youth, talent and attractiveness, ready to conquer the hearts of fans around the world. These bright sparks that slowly flare up are called idols, and they need you to help them find their way to fame and recognition. Don't miss your chance to become an integral part of this magic. Your idols are ready to hone their talents and bring joy to millions. Give them your expertise, help them flourish and leave their mark on the history of entertainment. They are ready to conquer the world, and they don't have enough of you to make it possible. Become an agent of change and make your dreams come true with this amazing band.

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Requirements to v0.10

  • OS version: Android 4.4+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 89 Mb

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v0.10   Original. Money Mod

22.09.2023 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 3

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