Elektronika Deluxe

Elektronika Deluxe
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    15 June 2012

electronics Deluxe - a classic handheld electronic game now in your Android! This is essentially an emulator of the famous game of the 80s! The theme was different from the Wolf, catching balls, until the Cat catches the fish. Who remembers this game - they love to play it again, and those who did not find this fun, outline the main tasks. So, in the game "Nu pogodi" you have to catch eggs rolling down the chute from hens with 4 perches. Eggs roll as by turns, or simultaneously with different perches or more from a single roost. Your task is to catch all the eggs without breaking. Ie if you do not have time time to substitute the basket - get some eggs on earth! As in the original, to recruit a large number of points very difficult, because in this game, as nowhere else, the actual high score table. Well, try your hand, become number 1 in the simple yet sophisticated series of games electronics Deluxe!

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v1.3.2  Original

13.06.2012 - Changes not specified.

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