Inbetween Land (Full) - The peaceful life of the city was disrupted by the sudden appearance of a mysterious floating island in the sky. At first, it appeared abandoned, but over time, the townspeople realized they were not alone in the universe. The island became popular among tourists, attracting more and more visitors, but with its emergence came a rise in crime. Everything changed when Mary, who worked at a shelter, disappeared after a strange flash of light emanating from the island. Explore the mysterious island, following the clues left by Mary. Immerse yourself in dark secrets, solve intricate puzzles, collect lost crystals, and find a way to bring Mary back home. The spirits of the island's inhabitants will help you uncover the secrets of this enigmatic place.
Game Features:
52 unique locations: Explore the amazing world of the island.
19 exciting mini-games: Test your skills.
4 comics: Learn more about the story through graphic novels.
3 difficulty levels: Play at your own pace—from beginner to expert.
Fantastic storyline: A tale filled with mysteries and adventures.
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