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    English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Others

  • Update date

    24 September 2024

& lt;p & gt;Huntdown-Become the new mafia in a metropolis full of corruption, gangs, murders and robberies. Travel back to the time of the 80's and collect powerful weapons for brave battles that will bring you great benefits. Missiles, bombs, and other unsafe items will plunge you into a real atmosphere of danger, do not give a sign and continue to go into battle for victory. Go through different characters with any weapon: daggers, guns, swords, clubs, knives, gas things. Meet with many bosses, so as not to leave them a chance of survival!

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Requirements to v0.1 b100023

  • OS version: Android 5.1+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 600 Mb

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v0.1 b100023  Unlocked

24.09.2024 - Changes not specified.


- The full version is purchased for free in the menu


Votes: 6

v0.1 b100021  Unlocked

v0.1  Unlocked

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