Hop Swap

Hop Swap
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    03 December 2016

Studio developer Nitrome is well known for its arcade projects that captivated gamers are not only original graphics solution, but also unique gaming solutions. Examples of such non-standard approaches can be considered games like Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage, Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire, Stretch of Dungeon, and of course Leap Day, although this is not a complete list of hits from the Cannon.
In a new project called Hop Swap developers used a pretty bold mechanics, when the game screen is divided into two parts, each of which is it's own world, you have to switch between worlds to complete, while solving puzzles and problems. It is worth remembering that Hop Swap it is still a platformer, so you need not only savvy, but also agility.

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v42  Original

3.12.2016 - Changes not specified.

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