Honey Grove

Honey Grove
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    13 July 2024

Honey Grove" is an interesting development in the farming genre that has appeared before our eyes. Now we take care not only of the farm, but also of its inhabitants - charming little bees that love flowers very much. Players can create their own perfect garden, watering, collecting, or clearing flowers from overgrowth. Gradually, all the flowers will be added to your collection. The game also has a storyline presented in the form of comics. Additionally, the game features very pleasant and cute graphics that help fully immerse in the world of these adorable little bees.

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Requirements to v0.1.26

  • OS version: Android 7.1+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 218 Mb

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v0.1.26  Original

13.07.2024 - Changes not specified.

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