Hello Kitty Discovering The World

Update date
15 August 2020
the game "Hello kitty opens up a whole world" you have to plunge into the world of unforgettable adventures with your favorite characters. Being in several countries, you will perform challenging tasks and to find valuable items. You can build your zoo with unique species of animals, to study geography and learn the names of many countries and cities. Draw the correct flag for a specific state and place it on the continent, as well as gather a collection of outfits, items in accordance with the superstitions and ceremonies of the people. Join in the construction of roads, cooking, fashion design, selection of fashion accessories and have fun!
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Rating of 5 users
Requirements to v2.3
- OS version: Android 4.1+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 65 Mb
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v2.3 Original
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