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Update date
18 January 2024
HDRezka is a mobile application specifically designed for iPhone and iPad users, providing the opportunity to enjoy watching movies, TV shows, and various media content from the popular website HDRezka. The excellent viewing experience is highlighted not only by the high-quality content but also by the pleasant, user-friendly interface. One of the key advantages is the presence of a built-in player, which ensures comfortable content playback without extra effort. You won't have to worry about annoying ads, as the application allows you to enjoy uninterrupted viewing. This app prioritizes your satisfaction, providing access to diverse media content in a convenient format. Whether you're a fan of blockbusters, dramas, or comedies, you'll find plenty of options for enjoyable entertainment.
App rating
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Rating of 5 users
Requirements tov1.0.4.4
- OS version: IOS 17.0+
- Internet: required
- Requires free space: 3 Mb
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v1.0.4.4 Original
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