GraviTire 3D

GraviTire 3D
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    06 July 2016

GraviTire 3D Fascinating 3D racing for android very different from other similar games. And the most important difference is the object of the movement. In this case your car becomes a simple car tire! So, you need to go, but rather to explore the 8 stages: Lapland, wall of China, Grand canyon, Miami, Area 51, Bora Bora, the moon, the Caves of Iceland. The speed of your wheels increases, if you descend from the mountains, but you have to be careful because you can not fit into a corner or hitting a bump in the process of flying, to lose speed. Of course the higher the speed, the faster you will come to the finish line.. basically the controls are quite simple, however some driving skills still need! Tap the screen, giving the wheel a gravitational effect, due to which it accelerates. The wheel is thus glowing blue. Pay attention to the road, see all the UPS and downs, the only way you can be quicker than other rivals. The game has a multiplayer mode! If you are bored with the usual race - it's about time free download new racing for android GraviTire 3D!

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v4.6.1  Original

6.07.2016 - Changes not specified.

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