Getting Over It

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Update date
24 January 2018
Getting Over It – a hardcore game for IOS in which you take control of a man with a sledgehammer in hand, sitting in the pot. In this game your main task is to help the protagonist climb to the top of the mountain for a minimum period of time. Brandish a sledgehammer and use it to climb the mountain. The complexity of the game lies in the fact that if you break off the cliff, then the game will have to start again. Prepare to be that the rise will take much time and you will not be able to rise the first time. During the game you will read the philosophical statements of the author, which will give you the strength and determination to move on.
App rating
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Rating of 8 users
Requirements to v1.05
- OS version: iOS 4.0+
- Requires free space: 264.02 Mb
- Compatibility: iphone, ipad, ipod touch
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v1.05 Original
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