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    10 October 2016

Studio developer Crescent Moon Games has already earned recognition among the owners of Android devices and this is not surprising because in the Arsenal of the company such hits as Legend of the Skyfish, The Deer God is a 3d Pixel Art, RAVENSWORD: SHADOWLANDS RPG and many others. The Studio produces games in completely different genres, from simple arcade games to full role-playing projects.
Gears is one of the games released by Crescent Moon Games in arcade style, while sticking to his style even arcade game turned out beyond praise. While playing you have to go through dozens of difficult levels, while controlling the ball, each location consists of a variety of platforms, corridors, and other elements, so in addition to the use of dexterity in the management element you will have to connect the head and solving puzzles.

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v1.2 b186  Original

10.10.2016 - Changes not specified.

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