GameKeyboard +

GameKeyboard +
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    22 August 2017

GameKeyboard is a simple and reliable app if you are going to play games that require a joystick and you have his no. It is very easy to set up and besides, all the keys can be moved to desired location. But be careful because some functions only available if you have root rights, although for most of them they are not required, and the application copes with its task. In addition, here you'll find support for multitouch and no tulipani in games!

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Requirements to v6.2.1

  • OS version: Android 2.2+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 1 Mb

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v6.2.1  Russian version

27.06.2023 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 5

v6.1.1  Original

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