Fruit Ninja 2

Update date
22 September 2022
Fruit Ninja is the famous arcade game which sold around the world more than a billion copies. Mechanics of Fruit Ninja is extremely simple, your goal by means of different cutting objects, swords, knives, axes, cut into pieces flying at you fruits and vegetables, while visual performance and animations are so bright that away from the game is simply impossible. And here the creators of this little masterpiece decided to make us a sequel titled Fruit Ninja 2 - Fun Action Games in General is still the same classic Fruit Ninja, the new game has received a full multiplayer mode where you can compete with other players.
App rating
Editors rating
Rating of 24 users
Requirements to v2.22.0
- OS version: Android 5.0+
- Internet: required to run
- Download cache only from the site!
- Requires free space: 95 Mb
Download gameFruit Ninja 2
v2.22.0 Original
Cache for Fruit Ninja 2: unzip the folder to /Android/obb/
- path will look like this: /Android/obb/com.halfbrick.fruitninjax/
- install apk, launch the game!
Votes: 4
v2.15.0 Original
Cache for Fruit Ninja 2: unzip the folder to /Android/obb/
- path will look like this: /Android/obb/com.halfbrick.fruitninjax/
- install apk, launch the game!
Votes: 6
v2.4.0 Original
Cache for Fruit Ninja 2: unzip the folder to /Android/obb/
- path will look like this: /Android/obb/com.halfbrick.fruitninjax/
- install apk, launch the game!
Votes: 4
v2.1.1 Original
Cache for Fruit Ninja 2: unzip the folder to /Android/obb/
- path will look like this: /Android/obb/com.halfbrick.fruitninjax/
- install apk, launch the game!
Votes: 4
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