• OS

    Android, iOS

  • Category


  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    28 July 2017

FRAMED 2 - This is a very unusual game in which you will be able to control the order of events. Your task is to turn everything in their favor, the game will be presented as a comic book where you decide what happens next. The story of the second part is the backstory to the first part of this game, she will tell you about one important cargo of contraband which was brought to the Islands. Great story and fascinating artwork in this game will absorb you for a long time and will not leave anyone indifferent!

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Requirements to v1.0.6

  • OS version: iOS 9.3+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 355.01 Мб
  • Compatibility: iphone, ipad

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v1.0.6  Original

9.01.2023 - Changes not specified.

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v1.0.2  Original

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