Flight 737 - MAXIMUM

Flight 737 - MAXIMUM
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  • Language

    English, Turkish

  • Update date

    15 December 2024

Flight 737 - MAXIMUM - offers the most detailed simulation of flying a B737! You will explore over 50 countries and airports, immersing yourself in the flying experience—from route planning to a perfect landing! Manage the autopilot with a detailed interface, utilize the co-pilot's features for alerts and adjustments, set the cabin lighting, communicate with the tower, and perform ground operations, including refueling and de-icing. The navigation system, realistic flight physics, radio frequency management, and crew communication make the game incredibly lifelike. Onboard, you can set the weather conditions and flight time yourself. You will experience complete immersion in the piloting process, including post-landing procedures and creating a unique aircraft design. Feel the thrill of takeoffs, turbulence, and emergency situations in this amazingly realistic simulator!

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Requirements to v1.8

  • OS version: Android 7.1+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: ~ 1,00 Gb

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v1.8  Original

15.12.2024 - Changes not specified.

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