Five Nights at Morgen

Five Nights at Morgen
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    18 July 2021

& lt;p & gt;Five Nights at Morgen-Morgenstern is watching you! Get a job as a security guard on night shifts and watch the designated premises so that no one breaks into them. At a certain time, a Morgen may appear, so be careful and do not allow him to come to you. Look at the posters around you, learn how the cameras and other buttons work, listen to every sound and listen to any rustles, release the tension and enjoy pleasant music, the only way you will know what will happen in the end. How long will you last?

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Requirements to v0.1

  • OS version: Android 4.4+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 75 Mb

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v0.1   Original

18.07.2021 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 10

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