Fitness Point Pro: Home & Gym

Fitness Point Pro: Home & Gym
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    10 February 2025

The Fitness Point Pro app: Home and Gym was developed by ZERO ONE GmbH and is designed to create personalized workout plans, as well as to track progress both at home and in the gym. It is available for devices on the iOS platform, including iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch.

  1. Exercise Database: Over 400 exercises with detailed descriptions, animations, and information on the muscles involved.
  2. Workout Plans: The ability to create your own plans or choose from pre-made options.
  3. Workout Journal: Track completed exercises, weights, repetitions, and other parameters.
  4. Timers: Functions to control rest times between sets and the overall duration of workouts.
  5. Progress Tracker: Graphs showing changes in weight, measurements, and other body metrics.
  6. Synchronization: Support for integration with the "Health" app and the ability to back up data to iCloud.

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Requirements to v7.6.16

  • OS version: iOS 12+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 144.56 Мб

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v7.6.16  Original

10.02.2025 - Changes not specified.

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