Earth And Legend 3D

Earth And Legend 3D
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    English, Ukrainian, Russian, Others

  • Update date

    20 August 2023

Earth And Legend 3D is the Most advanced full-scaled multiplayer 3D RPG for Android! You can play alone or in multiplayer mode with your friends via Bluetooth. This unique game has a special life where you can be whoever you want and even have a pet. Your Pets will grow with you and help you in destroying enemies. But count, of course, you need first of all for yourself. Therefore, it is necessary to choose and develop one of three skills: Bow, melee and Magic. Every skill has its battle scheme with attacking actions and spells. It is worth noting that the realism of the game world is just striking! The game has alternation of day and night. The same 24 hours, but in the game 1 hour = 1 minute real time. In addition, weather changes did not go unnoticed: if it rains heavily, you will see clouds and lightning and thunder. Your world has all sorts of shops to buy food or catch a fish by yourself in the basins available. Playing Earth And Legend, you can choose to complete quests or kill bosses. If you want to exit the game, you can save, not to lose game progress, but only three slots to save.

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Requirements to v2.1.5

  • OS version: Android 4.0+
  • Internet: required
  • Requires free space: 80 Mb
  • Multiplayer: via the Internet

Download gameEarth And Legend 3D Money Mod

v2.1.5  Original. Money Mod

20.08.2023 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 4

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