Dream Zoo

Update date
22 February 2012
Dream Zoo - game for Android 2.2 above. Great time-killer for lovers of strategic development, the gradual growth in profits and expansion of territory. So this game aims to collect all kinds of animals, famous and not so, the farming of new species, etc. in your own zoo. We begin, as always, from scratch! Gradually you need to fill your free Valery animals, find them a pair, bring a new offspring that can unexpectedly delight the new color (for example it is possible to deduce the elephant in blue polka dots) or behavior. In addition, you can according to your taste to decorate your zoo to plant trees, to supply the fountains, etc. For all this of course needs money, this is not download Dream Zoo for free!
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Rating of 1 users
Requirements to v1.1.1
- OS version: Android 2.2+
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v1.1.1 Original
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