Dr. Panda Firefighters

Dr. Panda Firefighters
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  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    23 November 2015

Dr. Firefighters Panda is an interesting and instructive game for children of preschool age. In this game your child will play the role of a fireman, who needs Pomogi Dr. Panda to save his friends. Drive a fire engine and go around all the obstacles on your way and arrive on time to extinguish the fire. Use a variety of tools to clear blockages and release the animals. Playing this game, your child will learn how to work in a team and learn the job of a firefighter. In this game there is not any time limit and your child to learn to act independently, exploring the game world.

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v1.0  Original

23.11.2015 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 1

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