Doc & Dog

Doc & Dog
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    07 October 2012

Doc & Dog is a fun and naughty arcade game for android about the adventures of a scientist and his faithful dog trying to fly to a desert island. Once on the island by accident, the main character is not confused, but quickly improvised and concocted a flying machine and, along with his dog went on, however, a miracle-the plane was a bit ill-conceived and the dog fell. Don't worry, he's all right, he just again on the same island. But the Professor will have to circumnavigate the entire globe in order to get back to the island and meet with your beloved pet! Well ahead of the scientist a lot of interesting things - oceans, deserts, seas, jungles and mountains, as well as many missions and 5 flying units. Well, a lot of cases, and we should start! Good luck to you!

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v1.0  Original

7.10.2012 - Changes not specified.

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