Dinosaur Park - Kids dino game

Dinosaur Park - Kids dino game
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    15 August 2024

Dinosaur Park - kids dino game - you become an archaeologist and your task is to excavate the remains of dinosaurs. Once you find them, you need to reconstruct their skeleton from the pieces shown on the X-ray. It's like putting together a puzzle, so to speak. After that, you will have to reconstruct the dinosaur as it would have looked in the era when it lived. You can also color it. After completing the previous actions, you must find food for your reconstructed friend. Collect your park of dinosaurs, reconstructed by you throughout your career as an archaeologist!

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Requirements to v3.5

  • OS version: Android 5.1+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 70 Mb

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v3.5  Original

15.08.2024 - Changes not specified.

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