Delicious - Childhood Memories

Delicious - Childhood Memories
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    23 October 2015

Delicious - Childhood Memories – Emily is full of energy and able to feed alone even a large group of people. Come to your old house where you used to live in childhood. And start all over again. Love cooking once seen at the beginning of the video in the machine instead of hanging ornaments salt and pepper shakers. You need to gather forces and to create such an institution, which like all segments of the population. In the game you will find 6 exciting season and more than 50 challenging and exciting levels that can be played in any estimates. The cozy restaurant, well-cooked meals and happy customers ,what could be better.

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Requirements to v7.0

  • OS version: Android 2.3+
  • Download cache only from the site!
  • Requires free space: 329 Mb

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v7.0   Original

23.10.2015 - Changes not specified.

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