Dead Or Alive Paradis

Dead Or Alive Paradis
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    16 January 2015

Dead Or Alive Paradis is an unusual game for the PSP, which many will like. We are talking about relations with the fair sex, beach, sea and sun! Let's start with the diversity of the main characters - a girl for every taste and color, as they say. As for the gameplay itself - it is lightweight and unobtrusive. Play volleyball on the beach, mini games, casino, pool games and flirt with the girls, and photographing them. The main task - to try and earn money to buy his favorite new and revealing outfits!

Tested on firmware: 5.50 Prome 4

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Requirements to v1.0

  • OS version: PSP

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v1.0  Original

16.01.2015 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 5

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