Cabela's Dangerous Hunts: Ultimate Challenge

Cabela's Dangerous Hunts: Ultimate Challenge
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    26 November 2016

Cabela's Dangerous Hunts: Ultimate Challenge – pick up a gun and go hunting for the most dangerous predators of our planet. In this simulation you will go on a fascinating journey through the different corners of our planet while hunting for wild animals such as the bear gnawed, leopard, Rhino, Buffalo and others. Stalk your prey, hiding in rain forests, high towers and in the hot Sands of the desert. Taking the hunting of such animals, do not forget the most important rule, kill themselves or kill you. Aim and shoot accurately in the most vulnerable places of the animal. Test your precision and accuracy in extreme conditions and get valuable trophies.

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Requirements to v0.7.6

  • OS version: PSP

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v0.7.6  Original

26.11.2016 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 1

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