Cut the Rope: Magic

Cut the Rope: Magic
  • OS

    Android, iOS

  • Category


  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    04 September 2018

Cut the Rope is a series of arcade games tells about the adventures of eternally hungry dragon om nom. However, our hero is extremely picky and prefers only sweet caramels. In search of the sweet om nom has traveled almost all over the world and even time-traveled, this time the turn has come for the fantasy world.
This series is incredibly popular and today the number of downloads exceeded 750 million. Such interest is to explain the relatively easy, cute character, challenging levels with physics model, great graphics and much more.
Cut the Rope: Magic - offers players hundreds of levels where om nom will be able to test new possibilities for turning, because the events, as already mentioned, develops in the tale.

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v1.8.1  Original. Мод: много кристаллов

4.09.2018 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 6

v1.8.0  Мод: много кристаллов

v1.7.1  Мод: много кристаллов

v1.6.0  Мод: много кристаллов

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