Conquest of Elysium 3

Conquest of Elysium 3
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    15 January 2017

Conquest of Elysium is quite a popular series of role-playing games which originally appeared on desktop platforms and has won no small popularity. The desktop version of the third part was released in 2012 and now finally the developers have pleased and owners of Android devices giving us a full port.
Conquest of Elysium 3 - oldskula turn-based role playing game which main feature is the gameplay built on endless battles for which you must gather resources, build units, and the ultimate goal is to capture so-called "special places" and various tasks. Another feature of Conquest of Elysium 3 is a wide variety of races as many as 18, so everyone will be able to choose heroes for themselves.

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v3.27  Original

15.01.2017 - Changes not specified.

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