Coffee recipes

Coffee recipes
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    19 September 2018

Coffee is the drink of the gods! Who can argue with that? Coffee invigorates the body and spirit, save us from diseases and bad mood. Coffee is excellent topic of conversation when we first met and a true companion in any situation. Coffee, in the end, can become a life's work!

the App "coffee Recipes" for Android contains more than 300 coffee recipes from around the world. By following them, You present all the unforgettable moments, who will try to prepared Your coffee. Also in the Appendix You can find a lot of interesting things that will be updated and added:

- how to choose the right coffee

- the types of coffee roasting and instructions roasting coffee at home

- what does the coffee grinding

- ways of coffee

- dishes for serving coffee

and much, much more...

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v2.0  Original

19.09.2018 - Changes not specified.

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v1.1  Original

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