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    24 June 2022

CamScanner – smart program scanner for Android, which will allow You to create virtual copies of all paper documents, to structure them and more.

In CamScanner document may be several pages, each page can be added through the camera or choose from gallery. After the download of the image the program will automatically detect page boundaries and offer You trim off the excess (with adjustments).

Next, what should happen is the automatic optimization of the page for contrast. In the end You get a black and white image. Making it comfortable when reading documents on the screen. That's all the manipulation will be over! And You can proceed to the next scan.

To the document created, you can add tags for structuring data, and specify the name. There is also the possibility to send the generated PDF file.

Opportunities CamScanner:

  • this program is free also for commercial use;
  • create PDF Creator from any program that supports printing;
  • encrypt PDFs and protect it from print and preview;
  • can be installed on the server. This gives you the ability to use a single program to a large number of users of a local network;
  • this program is free also for commercial use.
  • combine files into a single PDF file;
  • easy installation. You just need to specify that you want to install and all installed;
  • send PDF files using e-mail;
  • documents are saved automatically in the folder with file names based on tags.

Russian interface: no

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Requirements to v6.19.0.2206200000

  • OS version: Android 2.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 65 Mb

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v6.19.0.2206200000  Full

24.06.2022 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 1

v5.12.5.20190820  Full

v5.11.7.20190710  Full

v5.11.3.20190616 Stab  Full

Tags #scanners

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