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Cafe World

Cafe World
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    16 July 2016

Food is an integral attribute of our life and as a result the most common direction in games of virtually all genres. One of the most popular simulators of human life is food, in all its manifestations. This restaurants, cafes, eateries and other food items. So it is not necessary to forget and about the process of cooking, this is a real art.
Cafe World simulator in terms of catering, but rather the very real café. Moreover, the developers managed to combine very harmoniously the elements of your company's development, decoration, extension, etc., as well as the process of cooking. And in this aspect it will depend only on your imagination, because the developers allowed players to use a huge selection of all kinds of products from all corners of the globe.

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v1.0.1  Original

16.07.2016 - Changes not specified.

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