C25K™ - 5K Trainer

Update date
09 December 2016
C25K™ - 5K Trainer is an interesting app for Android for fans the morning and/or evening runs. The program gradually will make you tough and strong of the long distance runner in just two months. All you need is a desire to engage and a good mood. Turn on good music through earphones and run as long as you do not hear the notification of what to do next: warm-up, walking, running and so on.
- the Only app that works while your device is locked!
- Integration with Facebook and Twitter. Meet other runners!
- Simple & intuitive interface
- the Proven 8-week exercise
- Easy way to become a runner in the far distance, just 3 days a week
- Listen to your favorite music during your workout
- Compatible with Nike GPS
- Comfortable coach with audio alerts
Russian language: unknown
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Rating of 1 users
Requirements tov57.0
- OS version: Android 4.4+
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v57.0 Original
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