Battle Ages

Battle Ages
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    18 October 2017

In recent time on mobile platforms, the strategy genre in real time is increasingly sidelined and leadership position is an online multiplayer strategy. However, RTS still popular and will no doubt find a lot of players dream to experience the atmosphere of classical strategies.
Studio 505 Games, known primarily as the Creator of unique Terraria, decided to go a unique path by combining in one project the RTAS and elements of online strategy.
Battle Strike - the original project where you have to try to develop their own state from the beginning of time to modern civilization. While participating in PvP battles are likely to be faced with troops of earlier eras, because the soldiers are much more modern. So don't delay, take your time, improve your army, infrastructure, industry, technology otherwise you will not be able to compete.

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18.10.2017 - Changes not specified.

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