Baseball Superstars 2012

Baseball Superstars 2012
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    13 December 2015

Exciting arcade game about baseball will appeal even to those who do not like to play baseball. In the game Baseball Superstars 2012 is presented your attention advanced baseball. You can coach the team for the championship, or to train the novice, teaching him special moves and increasing his status. You can train with friends or call in a baseball duel other players in arena PVP. In addition, you choose the stadium, the uniforms, the logo of your superkomanda and equipment. Recruit, combine and level up your players to break even the most renowned! Strict control pitchers and batters, and a large number of game modes and above will make for a fresh look at the wonderful world of baseball. Download game for your smartphone and tablet just. Do it right now!

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v1.1.5  Original. Money Mod

13.12.2015 - Changes not specified.

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