
Puzzle Games
Update date
26 September 2024
Bardcard" is a roguelite game with card matching, where you must use all your skills and abilities to survive and find your brother Lucas. Explore over 40 rooms, each with its own dangers and opportunities. Look out for alternative exits leading to less traveled paths, and rare artifacts that appear when certain cards are matched. Meet magical familiars that will join you in your adventure and use their abilities to overcome obstacles. Over 150 unique, hand-drawn cards await you, each with its own properties and abilities. Weapons, armor, and magical items will protect you in the dungeon, while various characters will guide you, teach you skills, and present puzzles.
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Rating of 1 users
Requirements to v2.28
- OS version: iOS 13.5+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 178.5 Мб
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v2.28 Original
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