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    Graphic editors

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  • Update date

    13 July 2024

Want to diversify a boring photo and add to the originality and colors of the future technology? Then the application ARCore will help you with this. Stickers augmented reality will connect the two worlds together: the physical and the virtual. It's enough to make photos with a digital camera and Pixel of your device and put the selected sticker from the proposed program. Then the image will resemble a scene from the movie animation or cartoon. Immerse yourself in unexplored space, take pictures and share them with your friends.

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Requirements to v1.44.241490483

  • OS version: Android 7.0+
  • Internet: required
  • Requires free space: Varies wit

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v1.44.241490483  Original

13.07.2024 - Changes not specified.

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v1.38.231530483  Original

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