AnTuTu Benchmark
AnTuTu Benchmark – you want to know the real possibilities and power of your Android device, then this program is for you. This is the best and most famous tester phone or tablet. It tests several criteria - speed memory cards, 2D and 3D graphics, CPU, and displays the overall evaluation of your phone in the scores. Then you can compare your scores and other mobile devices. Overall, the program AnTuTu Benchmark will test your RAM, processor, mobile devices, graphics 2D and 3D, the amount of internal memory (memory card).
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Rating of 22 users
Requirements to v9.5.8
- OS version: Android 4.1+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 30 Mb
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v9.5.8 Original
v8.1.4 Original
v8.1.3 Original
v8.1.2 Original
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