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    Puzzle Games

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  • Update date

    11 September 2024

Anti-Hack is an exciting adventure in the world of cybersecurity and hacking mastery. Immerse yourself in the depths of a hacked computer system, where every step is a challenge to your logical thinking and programming skills. Key features: - Start your journey from a peripheral port and make your way to the heart of the system, overcoming increasingly complex obstacles. - Solve intriguing logical puzzles based on binary code. Each puzzle is the key to the next level of the system. - As you progress, restore damaged code segments, uncovering new routes and opportunities. - Enjoy visually stunning representations of the inner workings of the computer system, where each level is a new layer of digital reality. - Improve your hacking abilities by learning new hacking and defense techniques as you progress through the game.

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Requirements tov1.3

  • OS version: iOS 11+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 262 Мб

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v1.3   Original

11.09.2024 - Changes not specified.

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