Angry Birds Space

Angry Birds Space
  • OS

    Android, iOS

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  • Update date

    24 August 2018

Angry Birds Space on Android like angry birds have all had their showdown, it turns out not everywhere! In the new version of the beloved Saga Angry Birds Space, as well, and in all the previous episodes, you have to destroy the hated pigs, quietly situated at all elevations and in secluded niches. But that's only the case in space, where there are features of movement, the birds become young spaceman, the direction of which affected the gravitational field surrounding the celestial bodies. Beyond these fields, the bird flies straight, and as soon as he appears under the influence of such a field, it is attracted to the planet. You need to shoot birds outside the field, and being influenced by it. In addition to avoid moments when you are under the influence of two gravitational fields are close to each other of the heavenly bodies. the Game became more interesting, so try your hand in a gravitational space!

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Download gameAngry Birds Space Мод: много бонусов

v2.2.14  Мод: много бонусов

24.08.2018 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 21

v2.2.13  Мод: много бонусов

v2.2.12  Original. Мод: много бонусов

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