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Angry Birds Rio

Angry Birds Rio
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    11 February 2019

Angry Birds Rio for Android – this time, our angry birds rampage in Brazil, namely in Rio! The first 30 levels seem simple - you just need to break the cells and release birds into the wild.. But it's not easy. Try it yourself... Next 30 levels already crammed with enemies, but not pigs, as in previous games, and monkeys. In the end, it's something happening in Brazil, where many wild monkeys! And finally, the last level for the first time in this game contains boss parrot! So, you are waiting for new achievements, special hidden fruits - try to find all the and positive sea!

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Requirements to v2.6.13

  • OS version: Android 4.1+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 50 Mb

Download gameAngry Birds Rio Мод: много бонусов Unlocked

v2.6.13  Original. Unlocked

11.02.2019 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 14

v2.6.11  Original

v2.6.10  Original. Мод: много бонусов

v2.6.9  Мод: много бонусов

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