Android Auto

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Update date
31 May 2022
Android Auto - Google application which is specially designed for motorists. This program has many useful and necessary functions, so you can create and edit playlists, while listening to the music, browse podcasts, make phone calls, send messages, plot a route through the route, while not a few important detail is researched and designed interface with large controls and large font. But the most important point is support for voice commands that will allow you to fully control all the functions while driving.
despite the fact that this app is not working on all cars and requires a number of additional functions of the phone still kind of useful and popular.
App rating
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Rating of 3 users
Requirements to v7.7.622104
- OS version: Android 5.0+
- Internet: required for online mode
- Requires free space: 31 Mb
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v7.7.622104 Original
v5.9.604634 Original
v5.8.604354 Original
v4.8.5943 Original
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