Android AOSP Browser

Internet and network
Update date
27 September 2017
Android AOSP Browser is a desktop browser on your Android device. And the first Android users remember him. It was the standard browser in the Android system to the moment Google Chrome replaced it. This browser will become an emerging alternative to resource-intensive browsers. You will not be able to find in this beautiful and colorful interface or do not need the chips. Simple and intuitive application with an easy interface, what more do you need for the Internet?
Russian language: unknown
App rating
Editors rating
Rating of 2 users
Requirements to v15.1.0.5
- OS version: Android 4.0+
Download appAndroid AOSP Browser
v15.1.0.5 Android 4.0+
v16.1.0.5 Android 4.1+
v17.1.0.5 Android 4.2 - 4.3
v19.1.0.5 Android 4.4+
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