Agricola Revised Edition - Farming & Strategy

Agricola Revised Edition - Farming & Strategy
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    19 April 2020

"Agricola. A new edition of" the Farming and strategy is an economic strategy about the life of the province in medieval Central Europe.After long wars, mankind begins to flourish, people want a better life, prosperity and well-being. Farmers begin producing more food and resources.You will play as an ordinary poor farmer with a wooden hut and several plots of land. Treat it thus, to get a profit and buy everything that is necessary for the development of the farm. Buy in cattle and breed it. The player will have to stock up on provisions for the winter to survive the cold. When the site gets large enough, you can think about the birth of a child. Children age will help and monitor everything. Gameplay is divided into single player against AI and multiplayer up to 4 players. The winner is the player with the most highly developed farm.

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Requirements to v2.0.0

  • OS version: Android 1.5+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 45 Mb

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v2.0.0  Original

19.04.2020 - Changes not specified.

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