Adobe Acrobat Reader

Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • OS

    Android, iOS

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  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    25 November 2016

Adobe Acrobat Reader is Application that is known around the world for giving us the opportunity to work with a pdf. However, unlike their counterparts, the functionality of the application has leaped forward, and is not limited to simple work with this kind of files. You can not only read them but to create their files using the camera. Once you photograph a document, and here it is already stored in this format. In addition, you will be able to recognize the text and create text documents.

Compatible: iPhone, iPad, iPod touch.

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Requirements to v16.11.22

  • OS version: iOS 9.3+
  • Requires free space: 83.43 Mb
  • Compatibility: iphone, ipad, ipod touch

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v16.11.22  OriginaliPhoneiPad

25.11.2016 - Changes not specified.

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